'˜We will tackle this together' action plan against knife crime '˜crisis'

'We will tackle this together' is the message Sheffield councillors and South Yorkshire Police will share when they present their action plan against the knife crime '˜crisis'.Â

In recent years the number of serious incidents involving knives has risen in South Yorkshire.

In the past year alone in there were 22 attacks leading to five deaths and 23 injuries in Sheffield.

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The council, along with community groups, South Yorkshire Police and school children, will discuss the way forward in a special presentation during a full council meeting in the Town Hall at 2pm today.

Coun Jim Steinke, cabinet member for neighbourhoods and community safety, said: 'We're aware of the issues, we take them very seriously and we will keep working hard to make sure that we keep on track to reduce these types of crimes.

'This isn't inevitable, we can make a difference by working in partnership on a range of small things that, together, will make a big difference.'

The plans include strategies to make criminal activity more difficult, prosecute those running gangs, target areas where crime is concentrated, and, crucially, involve all members of the community from major nightclubs to families.

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The presentation will be given in three parts and solutions will be presented. 

John Mothersole, the council's chief executive, will give the first part and outline the current state of the perceived crisis and present the latest statistics on the issue, which coun Steinke said '˜will speak for themselves'.

The figures will show that Sheffield is has the lowest number of serious knife incidents than any other core city in England and the increase in knife crime has slowed down in the past year. 

But that knife crime has seen a '˜significant' increase and is also highly concentrated in certain areas of the city, which will be targeted in the plans.

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