Victim's perfect response to Sheffield '˜scumbag' who stole two BAY TREES from outside his home

Theft of tree outside Sheffield home - Credit: @itsnoelTheft of tree outside Sheffield home - Credit: @itsnoel
Theft of tree outside Sheffield home - Credit: @itsnoel
There is nothing worse than knowing a burglar has been through your personal possessions.Â

Burglary reports in England and Wales have risen by 6 per cent in the last three years with more than 320,000 reported in 2017. 

Victims have to deal with the distress of losing valuable possessions from their home; some of which have huge sentimental meaning attached. 

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Theft of tree outside Sheffield home - Credit: @itsnoelTheft of tree outside Sheffield home - Credit: @itsnoel
Theft of tree outside Sheffield home - Credit: @itsnoel

While many callous thieves target expensive items such as cars, jewellery and electronics, one Sheffield burglar had his eyes set on an even bigger prize.

At around 6am on Monday, CCTV images captured a man robbing two bay trees from outside a house in the S7 area of Sheffield. 

The victim shared the '˜crazy' incident on Twitter, even joking he would have helped him plant some of his own '˜if he asks nicely', instead of robbing his. 

Noel tweeted: 'If you see this thieving scumbag, who robbed 2 Bay trees (yes really) in S7 at 0555 this morning, tell him I'd help him plant some of his own if he asks nicely as he took care in actually robbing these, but in meantime, go **** himself.'

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CCTV footage captured the man walking down the road before stopping outside the victim's house. 

He then walks down the drive, where the camera has already picked him, triggering the automatic light before carefully '˜liberating' the trees to a new home' .

Noel added: 'I am still not sure whether he fancied them for his own doorstep or to sell them, who knows? Sadly I don't think we ever will.'