Sheffield baby who lived for just 37 days inspires team to row across Atlantic

Elijah has inspired a fundraising mission across the AtlanticElijah has inspired a fundraising mission across the Atlantic
Elijah has inspired a fundraising mission across the Atlantic
The death of a premature Sheffield baby who tragically lived for just 37 days has inspired a team to row 3,000 miles across the Atlantic.

Dean Frost, Philip Bigland, Mac McCarthy and Jason Kerr are due to complete their row from La Gomera to Antigua to shine a spotlight on the impact of premature birth next week.

The team named themselves Elijah’s Star, in memory of baby Elijah, a premature baby from Sheffield who sadly lived for just 37 days.

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The row has currently raised over £94,000 and is due to end on Monday January 24.

James Halse, the father of Elijah, said: “We didn’t know these guys before, but they had heard Elijah’s story, and wanted to name their team after our son. It is incredible to have another chapter in Elijah’s story.

“The thought of people wanting to do such amazing things in memory of Elijah makes me so emotional.”

Elijah Halse was born extremely prematurely at 25 weeks and three days in March 2013. He lived in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Jessop Wing.

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He initially showed every sign of leading a healthy life. However, he deteriorated suddenly and unexpectedly developed necrotising enterocolitis, a bowel condition.

He underwent surgery, had most of his small intestine removed and then a head scan showed he had extensive brain damage.

The damage was so great, James and Elijah’s mum Jenny made the difficult decision to move from intensive to palliative care. Elijah passed away 37 days after contracting NEC.

Jenny said: “As the years go by, the pain of losing him changes but never goes away.

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“We were very lucky to have him, but his life was painfully short.

“Through fundraising for Action Medical Research, we hope to make a difference in the care for babies like Elijah in the future.”

Jenny and James have been working with Action Medical Research on fundraising projects.

In December, family and friends ran the Percy Pud 10k and raised over £570. Elijah is buried nearby at Wisewood Cemetery in the Loxley Valley.

Jenny said: “It was a fitting race to run for him. He was a much-loved brother and son, who is very much part of the Loxley Valley.”

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