South Yorkshire mayoral election: 'The stakes have never been higher' - reader's letter

This reader wants a South Yorkshire Mayoral candidate who prioritises the planet. (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK / AFP) (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK/AFP via Getty Images)This reader wants a South Yorkshire Mayoral candidate who prioritises the planet. (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK / AFP) (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK/AFP via Getty Images)
This reader wants a South Yorkshire Mayoral candidate who prioritises the planet. (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK / AFP) (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK/AFP via Getty Images)
South Yorkshire has a mayoral election next May. The stakes have never been higher with the Mayor’s powers and the funds available increasing – we desperately need wise choices to be made.

Given the importance of this moment for humanity, every election is very significant. But how are mayoral candidates being shortlisted and selected?

The process seems opaque even to people who are active in their respective political parties. This isn’t good enough. We need the ability to ask all potential candidates searching questions – especially around the climate and nature crisis.

We also perhaps need all the progressive parties to put their minor differences aside and unite behind a single candidate standing on behalf of people and the planet.

Joan Miller

Sheffield, S8

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