Masked robbers threaten shop assistant with a gun during terrifying raid in Sheffield

Swanbourne Road - Google MapsSwanbourne Road - Google Maps
Swanbourne Road - Google Maps
Masked robbers burst into a Sheffield off-licence and threatened the shop assistant with a gun during a terrifying armed raid.

The two men, both with their faces covered, reportedly stormed into the off-licence on Swanbourne Road in Parson Cross before threatening the shocked employee.

One of the men, said to have been carrying a gun at the time, then demanded that the till be opened.

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He is described as wearing a grey mask, a dark blue top and blue tracksuit bottoms with white stripes down the side.

The second man is described as wearing a blue jacket with the hood up, dark gloves, dark trousers and white trainers. He waited at the door while the man wearing the face mask took an amount of cash from the till. No one was injured during the incident and the men left the shop turning right towards a gennel leading to Barnsley Road.

The reported armed robbery took place at about 9.25pm on Saturday 6 May.Anyone with information should call 101 quoting incident number 1108 of 6 May 2017 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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