Man banned from Sheffield railway station and cinema

Scott AndersonScott Anderson
Scott Anderson
A man has been banned from Sheffield railway station and a nearby cinema.

Scott Anderson, aged 34, of Victoria Street in the city centre, is not allowed to enter the station or Showroom Cinema for two years.

If he breaks the ban he could be jailed.

The ban forms part of a Criminal Behaviour Order he was served with at court.

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British Transport Police said that between October 2013 and June 2017, Anderson was abusive and aggressive at the station 'on dozens of occasions'.

He is said to have been consistently verbally abusive and threatening towards members of the public and rail staff.

PC Steve O’Callaghan said: “Our job is to make sure passengers and rail staff using the station and surrounding area feels safe and secure and ensure the station remains a safe and pleasant environment to travel through and work in.

“Anderson’s anti-social behaviour was affecting this and causing distress to members of the public, which we will not tolerate.

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“Anderson was well aware of the affect that his behaviour has on members of the public but continually showed little regard for their feelings.

“The order that is now in place prevents him from intimidating people at the station and allows the courts to take swift action if his anti-social and unacceptable behaviour continues.”