Dig into your roots and meet Retro at Sheffield family history event

A previous family history event in full swingA previous family history event in full swing
A previous family history event in full swing
Family history (or genealogy) is very popular and if it is something you are interested in, Sheffield and District Family History Society can help by exploring your roots and provide

information on available resources, no matter what stage of your journey you are on, writes Joanne Harper.

Sheffield and District Family History Society is holding its biennial fair on Saturday, June 9 at Sheffield Wednesday Football Stadium from 10am to 4pm.

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The Star’s Retro reporter Julia Armstrong will also be joining us, hoping that readers will bring along old photos to feature in the paper.

The aim of the event is to bring together people who share an interest in family and local history, as well as to provide an opportunity for beginners and experienced researchers alike to find out more about their roots and the resources available to help them in their quest for more information and knowledge.

Exhibitors will include local and national family history societies, local history, community and special interest groups, as well as commercial organisations offering a wide range of relevant merchandise.

Experienced researchers will be on hand to offer advice and carry out local searches in an attempt to demolish any frustrating brick walls you have encountered.

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There will be the opportunity to attend talks on the day, with topics covering ‘resources for beginners’, ‘which website and why?’ and ‘reading the original – hints and tips for deciphering old documents’.

Please come along to what should be an enjoyable day, with something for everyone who has an interest in family and local history.

Admission to the fair is £2 for adults and free for accompanied children (including free entry into a prize draw)

Refreshments will be available throughout the day. There is some free parking at the venue and low-cost parking in Hillsborough Park’s Parkside Road entrance. Full details at www.sheffieldfhs.org.uk

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