Derbyshire man died in police cell shortly after mother's death

A police cell. Stock picture.A police cell. Stock picture.
A police cell. Stock picture.
A Derbyshire man died in police custody hours after being arrested following the death of his mother.

Chesterfield coroners' court heard Peter Birds suffered a 'cardiac event' in his cell - possibly caused by the stress of losing his mother and his subsequent detention.

Coroner Kathryn Hayes said 51-year-old Mr Birds was arrested in Matlock at around 2pm on November 23 last year 'for an offence upon his mother', who had died 'a day or so before'.

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Mr Birds appeared to be drunk and was taken to Buxton police station where it was decided he should be seen by Dermot O'Donohue, a healthcare professional, to be assessed.

In a statement read out in court today, Mr O'Donohue said: "I felt he was fit to be interviewed and fit to be detained.

"He had capacity to answer questions."

Mr O'Donohue added: "He said he had a problem with his heart valve.

"There was a possibility he was an alcoholic and he was clearly upset and very emotional - he kept referring to his mother dying.

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"Due to this, I left some diazepam with the custody staff in order to ease any possible alcohol withdrawal and to ease his emotional upset."

The court heard single Mr Birds - who lived at Mawstone Lane, Youlgrave, and cared for his mother - was later interviewed by police then taken to a cell to sleep.

He was placed on 30-minute observations and these were carried out as required, the inquest was told.

During one of the observations, a prison officer heard Mr Birds talking in his sleep.

He said, 'she’s dead'.