Man jailed over attack on two South Yorkshire police officers

Kane Taylor has been jailed for attacking two police officersKane Taylor has been jailed for attacking two police officers
Kane Taylor has been jailed for attacking two police officers
A man has been jailed for 44 weeks for an attack on two South Yorkshire police officers.

He was arrested, charged and sentenced within hours of the attack on Lamb Lane, Monk Bretton, in the early hours of Tuesday, November 26.

Two female officers were assaulted after they attempted to talk to the driver of car seen driving erratically.

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South Yorkshire Police said 32-year-old Kane Taylor became ‘verbally and physically aggressive’, before attacking the two officers.

Barnsley magistrates heard how he lay on top of an officer and forced his fingers into her eyes, and struck another officer across her face.

Taylor was sentenced to 44 weeks imprisonment after pleading guilty to two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker, taking a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent, driving without insurance, driving whilst disqualified and failing to provide a specimen of breath.

Temporary Chief Superintendent Sarah Poolman said: “I hope the sentencing of Taylor sends out a strong message to those who think it is acceptable to assault officers while on duty.

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“Officers expect and frequently deal with challenging and difficult situations, but it is not part of their job to be physically attacked.

“Throughout court Taylor showed complete disregard for police and the court staff, and throughout his time in custody he was abusive and violent.

“We hope yesterday’s sentencing will act as a reminder that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated and will act as some form of consolation to the officers affected.”