Nothing will stop fans loving club

WINNING FEELING: Manager Danny Rohl celebrates as Sheffield Wednesday claim their first win of 2023WINNING FEELING: Manager Danny Rohl celebrates as Sheffield Wednesday claim their first win of 2023
WINNING FEELING: Manager Danny Rohl celebrates as Sheffield Wednesday claim their first win of 2023
To bring two buzz words together, Sheffield Wednesday are blessed with an incredible amount of positive energy considering the huge negative of being nine points adrift of safety in the Championship.

And yet, if you took the owner’s own apparent definition of being negative, practically every Wednesday fan could be branded it right now.

Negative towards him, that is, not the club. A view probably now shared by most of the 44,000 who rejoiced at Wembley in late May.

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All within six months of something so positive which united the whole club.

But what’s equally amazing is I predict no walk-outs, no stay-away protests, only undiminished and even intensifying support for a bottom of the table side.

That’s despite the owner appearing to unify the fan base as being ‘negative’ in its view of him personally.

Among things Dejphon Chansiri doesn’t seem to grasp is that people can support the team, and by extension the club, without necessarily supporting the people at the top. In this case, the only person at the top.

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I think that would be a fair summary of the mood around Hillsborough right now. Remarkable attendances continually prove the point, as I’m sure will be the case on Saturday when Millwall’s new first-time manager Joe Edwards (37) clashes with the Owls even younger Danny Röhl (34).

And it’s why, despite all the crazy carryings-on in the background (and foreground considering those damaging self-inflicted national headlines last week), I believe manager, coaches, players and fans can insulate themselves from controversy as a together unit.

Sometimes turmoil can make this more powerful.

While I stand behind the view that Wednesday won’t achieve any enduring success without a change of regime or approach, it’s possible in the short term to thrive on unrest; to gain defiance from it.

In their overwhelming support for Röhl, by stark contrast with antipathy to Chansiri, fans who continue to turn up in vast numbers are making a powerful point about how positive they really are.

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The chairman might see an affront to this but, in so many ways, he has reason to be grateful for it. And let’s admit he appears to have made a very good appointment on this occasion.

He would have had longer to take due credit for that but for the farcical events after the overwhelmingly feel-good accompaniment to Röhl’s first home game.

Chansiri can’t have bought Wednesday out of love. You presume it was out of ego and ambition.

Nothing necessarily wrong with that. Most modern-day owners would be the same.

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Chansiri may also have grown to love it (though I can’t believe he is enjoying the experience) and he has certainly been committed financially.

But that is a long way from understanding it. Which, without delegated expertise, has been his undoing in my opinion.

I hope he either adapts or sells, at a realistic level, not least because he deserves to get something out of having a good go. But he must accept that until then, because of his own actions, the love and support he probably craves personally will be directed towards the club and not the individual.