Zoom in and see if you can find YOUR house on an incredible gigapixel photo of Sheffield

A gigapixel photo of Sheffield has been created.A gigapixel photo of Sheffield has been created.
A gigapixel photo of Sheffield has been created.
Take a look at Sheffield how you've never seen it before - with an incredible gigapixel photo of the city's skyline.

You can click and zoom in and see if your can find YOUR house from a stunning panorama across the city's Don Valley.

CLICK HERE to see the photo

Landmarks such as the Town Hall, Hyde Park flats and the Wicker Arches are all clearly visible - well they are if you know where to look and zoom into!

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Taken from the Idaq Networks ICNOS tower, the incredible stitched together photo allows you to zoom in and see buildings miles away from where the picture was taken in pinsharp detail.

And although the photo, taken by George Taylor was first published in 2014, it gives a fascinating chance to take a real tour of virtually the entire city in one amazing photograph.

A gigapixel photo is a digital image composed of one billion pixels 1,000 times the information captured by a 1 megapixel digital camera.

Current technology for creating such very high-resolution images usually involves either making mosaics of a large number of high-resolution digital photographs or using a film negative as large as 18" × 9" (46 cm × 23 cm).

Only a few cameras are capable of creating a gigapixel image in a single sweep of a scene, such as the Pan-STARRS PS1 and the Gigapxl Camera.[1][2]