Who thi ell lives ina house like this?

The Phoenix Works of John & Thomas Hutton, Ridgeway
Date stoneThe Phoenix Works of John & Thomas Hutton, Ridgeway
Date stone
The Phoenix Works of John & Thomas Hutton, Ridgeway Date stone
I was surprised to see a picture of our house in the '˜Weer Thi Ell's That?'feature, Retro, Saturday, September 3.

We live in the house with the Phoenix Works plaque.

As a child I lived in Ridgeway and used to take a sack to the works to get sawdust for my rabbit’s hutch.

The handles for the scythes and sickles were turned from wood. I remember being taken into the workshop to have a look at what went on.

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Little did I know that one day I would be living in part of that workshop with some of the original beams and lantern holders!

I also lived in the School House mentioned in the article because my father was headmaster of Ridgeway school from 1949 to 1973. He paid rent to the county council to live there. I would love to see inside the house now!

At the bottom corner of the garden is a big oak tree which I grew from an acorn about 60 years ago. I can see it if I walk the field path which runs at the back of the house.

Happy memories!

Jennifer Woodhead (nee Wright)

by email

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