Warning to motorists after spate of vehicle break-ins

There have been a spate of vehicle break ins in the Peak District.There have been a spate of vehicle break ins in the Peak District.
There have been a spate of vehicle break ins in the Peak District.
Motorists are being warned to lock it or lose it after a spate of vehicle break-ins.

Drivers in Glossop, Hadfield and Tintwistle are being urged to keep their vehicles safe from criminals following a series of incidents in the area.

Over the last week, Derbyshire Police have received reports of vans and cars being broken into by thieves or being left insecure.

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This includes theft from vehicles along Higher Barn Road and North Brook Road in Hadfield and Simmondley Lane in Simmondley overnight on June 29.

Following the thefts, officers are urging local drivers to ensure that their vehicle is properly locked and secure before leaving it unattended, and to report any suspicious activity to them as it is happening to help stop a crime from taking place.

Safer Neighbourhood officers will be carrying out targeted patrols in the towns and village and will be speaking to motorists about the steps that they can take to boost their vehicle security.

Crime prevention advice includes:

* Parking in well-lit, open areas and using a garage or driveway if possible;

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* Ensuring no valuable items including mobile phones and handbags are left on display inside your vehicle. Even bags or clothes could entice a would be thief;

* Removing sat-navs or mobile phone cradles from display and wiping away any marks left on the window;

* Installing an alarm system and ensuring that is activated;

* Making sure your vehicle is locked and secure before leaving it unattended;

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* Marking all your vehicle equipment, such as your car stereo, with your vehicle registration number.

To speak to your local Safer Neighbourhood team call 101, or send the team a message online by visiting the Contact Us section of the website www.derbyshire.police.uk/Contact-Us