Tourist Information plan a retrograde step

The tourist information office in Surrey Street, Sheffield city centre.The tourist information office in Surrey Street, Sheffield city centre.
The tourist information office in Surrey Street, Sheffield city centre.
Having read the concerns of various like minded Sheffielders regarding the closure of the Sheffield Tourist Information Office, (a former glass- fronted florists), I thought it was time to add my tenpennorth.

I have known several tourism managers, Keith Cheetham, (who first put ‘heritage’ into the equation), John Healey, (sadly passed away in the summer),Inga, a lovely German lass who I won’t insult by spelling her name incorrectly and most recently Wendy Uylett.

The history of this organisation has been a sort of nomadic musical chairs with the craziest location at beautiful downtown Bramall Lane, (no slight intended, Blades, but a central city location is surely required).

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It’s been a continuing story of lost opportunities and in recent years gradual rundown.

I can’t believe that this facility, poor as it is, is being closed to save a paltry £64,000.

This is happening in the year of the highly questionable assertion that Sheffield is on a par with Lisbon and Zurich/Geneva as a growing European short break.

More importantly and relevantly on December 6 111 Places In Sheffield You Must Not Miss is being published.

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Wendy and I and other proud Sheffielders have contributed to this book.

But should I be surprised?

We had our own stately home, the Oakes at Norton, a short-lived airport, the lost opportunity to stake a claim to the Robin Hood legend, (anyone remember the statue at Donny airport?), but no, the lack of imagination and the disdain for heritage that bedevils this city has always limited the aims, ambitions and resources.

The fact that we don’t do enough with the Old Queens Head is just one example.

This proposal is surely a retrograde step.

Ron Clayton
