Top of the list

I saw a couple of ex-burglars on TV telling us what we should do to avoid being burgled when we go away for those two weeks in the sun.

Top of the list, which was pretty obvious, though it doesn’t register with some, don’t post the fact you are going away on facebook.

Duh, you don’t say.

Why some people have to give a running commentary from the moment they leave the front door, telling all and sundry the house is empty ready for the taking.

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Some things don’t need to be said. Maybe leave the bragging and pictures till you return home.

Jayne Grayson

Sheffield, S35

Your Say is what it says

Just returned from holiday and bought The Star, I got to the letters page and saw the one from Peter Hurst.

I didn’t see Thursday’s Star as we were away, but his comments are wrong.

I am not racist for one thing and my comments about the Mayor are true.

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The position should be held by a ‘proper’ Sheffield citizen.

I don’t expect to see a Mayor in trainers and a baseball cap back to front.

He has said he would not bow to our Queen but he has been glad enough to take all our country has offered him since he came as a child.

As for your remarks about Sheffield being welcoming etc. I feel you are not totally right.

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In the city shopping areas there is always a fear of the people around you.

Yes it’s welcoming, that’s why it’s the ‘city of sanctuary’.

I worked in the city centre for over 40 years and it was not like now.

If Peter Hurst doesn’t like the things we write on Your Say, well I suggest he doesn’t read them.

Your Say is what it says.

As for riding bikes HAHA.

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The many people like myself who have had joint replacements are laughing at him.

Brenda Titterton


Moslem or Muslim?

Mr Jacob’s Star letter, June 2, 2018 takes a critic of the appointment of our new Lord Mayor to task for using the word “Moslem” – citing this as being an insulting form of address in some quarters.

The accused correspondent has certainly provoked a great deal of interest, controversy and debate within the Sheffield community and beyond, for expressing a personal opinion to The Star about his view of the suitability of Councillor Magid Magid for the role of Lord Mayor.

While the writer may be regretting his choice of words he should certainly be allowed to have and express his opinion – strictly as an opinion and not an exhortation to other people to think likewise. The Star at its editor’s discretion, should also have the right to freedom of speech, both verbal and written, in publishing such letters in the public interest.

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Mr Jacob only paints part of the picture when criticising the use of the word “Moslem.” To be fair to your correspondent “under fire” from him for using this word – the following listed definitions may be of assistance to your readers.

Muslim is a noun – meaning one who follows the religion of Islam. It can also be an adjective meaning of or related to followers of Islam.

Moslem is an alternative way of spelling Muslim. The words have the same meanings in all contexts, and both spellings have been in use for several centuries. Moslem was the preferred spelling until the first half of the 20th century.

Today, Muslim is the preferred spelling.

A possible explanation for the shift preference is the prominence of the Black Muslims, an alternative name for the Nation of Islam during the civil-rights movement. “Muslim” is now cited as commonly being used 20 times more than the word “Moslem”.

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Perhaps a learned scholastic follower of Islam can shed further light on the two forms of address?

Cyril Olsen

Busk Meadow, Sheffield, S5

Attitudes still exist

The Star has come in for some criticism recently over the publication of one particular letter which attacked, on the grounds of his skin colour, the choice of Coun. Magid as our new mayor.

However repellant many and hopefully most people find this view is it such a terrible thing to publish the odd item which reminds us that such attitudes still exists within our society?

Stephen Crowther


Gone to the dogs?

Following Ruth Grimley’s piece about letters and other contributions to the Star/Telegraph I was minded to draw a halt but the news of the wicked – there is no other word for it – vandalism – to a memorial in Endcliffe Park to those brave young Americans who lost their lives a long way from home fighting for the freedom of people in a foreign continent made me b####y angry and despairing.

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It didn’t help watching the moronic audience and panel of Britain’s Got Talent last night.

I recently attended the Memorial Service for those lads with a few fellow Sheffielders and the tremendously polite American service men and women of today.

I was still thinking about when I met that lovely man, Brendan Ingle and his daughter at St Michael’s Rivelin when we remembered the Irish lads of WW1. You realise all hope is not lost.

By the way, Ruth have you thought of offering your poetic talents to M’Lud Mayor?

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I am meeting him on June 18 to pay tribute to another brave Irishman, George Lambert VC.

Ron Clayton

Sheffield, S6

Action is needed

What happened to the London Grenfell high rise flats on June 14 2017? It’s a year on and they are still in discussions of what to do about cladding and water sprinklers.

How much devastation does it take before discussions end and action taken, one wonders?

EB Warris

Sheffield, S14

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