Suiccess for angler Lambley at Norwood Cottage

Mike LambleyMike Lambley
Mike Lambley
The majority of match weights were mostly well down this week which is not unusual at a time of year when carp start behaving like hormonal teenagers and have little appetite for feeding.

Hopefully they will settle down if the forecast spell of settled warm weather arrives after which anglers can start looking forward to bumper summer catches.

Hind AC

Norwood Cottage fisheries.

What promised to be a good match in excellent conditions rapidly deteriorated into a difficult one with bites at a premium everywhere except in the winner’s peg where Mike Lambley, at Peg 28, had a tempting bed of lilly pads to his right hand side.

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Ironically only one fish came off this line, the rest falling to a pellet waggler cast parallel with the left hand bank.

Rumours that Brian Gregory spent so much time snagged up on the island he was actually trying to catch squirrels are untrue, nor is it true that Steve Lambley is some kind of avian Pied Piper even though his swim was mobbed by ducks each time he tried to loose feed pellets.

Result: 1. M Lambley 36-0; 2. B Gregory 13-3; 3. S Lambley 7-6.

Hind AC

Haven fishery

A match too close to call with the lead changing regularly throughout.

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As the three leading anglers all switched to fishing the margins late on where big fish were present it could have been anyone’s match but Brian ‘Paddy’ Gregory came good in the end with a net of big carp on meat, the best going 14lbs.

Result: 1. B. Gregory 96-0; 2. A Johnson 93-8; 3. D Johnson 93-0.

Wharncliffe AC, Sheffield

Fox Covert, Fieldside Lake

A surprisingly tough day with the anglers at the bottom end of the lake managing just 6 fish between them.

As ever when weights are low the verdict can swing in the closing stages and on this occasion Tom Newsome looked home and hosed until Shane Morgan caught two very late fish from the margins to pip him on the whistle.

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Result: 1. S Morgan 27-5; 2. T Newsome 23-0; 3. T Copnell 10-12; 4. T Liegh 8-12; 5. S Boot 7-0; 6. M Austic 5-9.

Sothall AC

Little John Lakes, Maid Marrion Lake

Normally a prolific venue, this was a day when the owners really should have closed the lake and let the fish get on with spawning in peace as it was clear this was happening in the reeds and underneath the platforms.

Pete Gray enjoyed a decent day on feeder and maggot topping 60 pounds but for most it was a hopeless cause, some not even having so much as a bite. Result: 1. P Gray 60-10; 2. F Driver 9-12; 3. R Thompson 5-12; 4. D Beckett 4-0; 5. J Cheshire 3-13; 6. P Nicklin 2-10.

Sothall AC

Swanlands Thorne, Chestnut Lake

Another tough encounter settled by Fred Driver who fished meat at Peg 4 to finishing one decent fish ahead of Ron Else on Peg 6. Result: 1. F Driver 59-8; 2. R Else 36-6; 3. M Buckler 31-9; 4. A Bacon 31-6; 5. G Marsden 26-3; 6. J Cheshire 23-9.