South Yorkshire rugby club claim their 23ft goal posts have 'vanished'

Castle Park posts - Credit: @DoncasterKnight TwitterCastle Park posts - Credit: @DoncasterKnight Twitter
Castle Park posts - Credit: @DoncasterKnight Twitter
A South Yorkshire RFU Championship rugby side have confused their Twitter following by claiming their rugby goal posts have 'vanished'.

Championship side Doncaster Knights tweeted an 'urgent appeal' this morning after their goal posts 'vanished' over the weekend.

The club tweeted: "MISSING | Urgent appeal to anyone with info that may lead to the return of the Castle Park posts which vanished sometime over the weekend."

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Despite initial confusion over how the massive goal posts could go missing, the club have confirmed that not all is as it seems.

As part of a refurbishment programme at the ground, Doncaster Knights revealed that the pitch would be relaid for the next season.

As a result, the goal posts were removed from the ground this morning, leading the club to make the tongue-in-cheeck appeal on Twitter.