REVEALED: Roads in Sheffield which could benefit from £100m upgrade

The A61 Chesterfield Road, which has been described as Sheffield's worst road, is included on the listThe A61 Chesterfield Road, which has been described as Sheffield's worst road, is included on the list
The A61 Chesterfield Road, which has been described as Sheffield's worst road, is included on the list
Roads in Sheffield could benefit from £100m of investment each under major plans to unclog the country's congested highways.

The Government yesterday unveiled plans to create what it calls a 'Major Roads Network', unlocking cash to help councils ease congestion on the nation's 'busiest and most economically important' local authority A roads.

Under the scheme, councils will be able to bid for up to £100m from the national roads fund, which is supported by vehicle excise duty, for each road within the network they wish to enhance.

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The roads in red are the ones which could be included in the new major roads network (Department for Transport)The roads in red are the ones which could be included in the new major roads network (Department for Transport)
The roads in red are the ones which could be included in the new major roads network (Department for Transport)

As well as cutting tailbacks, it is hoped the money will support house-building and promote economic growth.

Some 5,000 miles of road are included in the network under initial plans, base