New MP boundaries could see big changes on the way for Barnsley and Rotherham

The proposed boundary changesThe proposed boundary changes
The proposed boundary changes
Proposed new boundaries for Parliamentary constituencies could see a north-south divide – rather than the current east and central.

The Boundary Commission for England, is in the process of reviewing the boundaries of all Parliamentary constituencies in England and, has published proposals for a review, to be completed in June 2023.

Barnsley currently has two constituencies, Barnsley East and Barnsley Central, which would be replaced with north and south constituencies if the proposals are agreed.

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The plan would see Barnsley North gain Cudworth and North East and lose Kingstone.

MP John Healey’s Wentowrth and Dearne constituency, however, could be facing big changes – with the boundary to include parts of Doncaster.

If approved, the constituency boundary will expand to include Consibrough, Clifton, Old Edlington and Warmsworth – currently part of Don Valley.

In Rotherham, MP Alexander Stafford’s Rother Valley constituency could gain Catcliffe and lose Bramley.

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Members of the public are encouraged to visit to view maps showing the proposed new boundaries and provide feedback before the consultation closes on 2 August 2021.

People can comment on anything from where the proposed new boundary lines are to the names of the constituencies.

Tim Bowden, Secretary to the Boundary Commission for England, said:“Help us draw the line to make the number of electors in each Parliamentary constituency more equal.

“Each constituency we recommend is required by law to contain between 69,724 and 77,062 electors, meaning there will be significant change to current boundaries. We want to hear the views of the public to ensure that we get the new boundaries for Parliamentary constituencies right.”