Public toilets going down the pan, say Lib Dems

The Lib Dems want more public toilets Picture: Andrew RoeThe Lib Dems want more public toilets Picture: Andrew Roe
The Lib Dems want more public toilets Picture: Andrew Roe
In times of austerity, it’s even hard to spend a penny.

The lack of public toilets has been highlighted by the Liberal Democrats, who say it’s becoming tricky to have a tinkle while out in the city centre and district shopping centres.

Coun Mohammed Mahroof says many toilets have been closed or converted, most notably one which was turned into Public bar and one is which is now a sweet shop.

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He said: “These toilets were never replaced and I have spoken to residents who are concerned about the lack of conveniences, some are unable to leave their homes to go shopping.

“Public conveniences are a basic human need and as the fourth largest city in the country, we should address this issue urgently and immediately plan to introduce permanent facilities for use by everyone, especially in areas that are not serviced at all by the city centre schemes.”

Coun George Lindars-Hammond says there is a Lavatory and Ablution Venue Scheme (LAVS) which is operated by Sheffield BID, a group of businesses working to improve the city centre.

Through LAVS, a number of shops open up their toilets to the public, regardless of whether customers have spent any money there.

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“This provides a number of businesses that are paid to allow free use of their facilities,” said Coun Lindars-Hammond.

“The majority of these are signposted via finger signs on the street. There are also links and maps on the BID website and are available from the BID information point in Surrey Street.

“I think there is more to do when ensuring that our district shopping centres are accessible spaces and this includes, but goes far beyond, public toilet provision.”

If you get caught short, head for:

The Bankers Draft, Market Place

Marks and Spencer, Fargate

The Graduate, Surrey Street

John Lewis, Barker’s Pool

Debenhams, The Moor

Subway, The Moor

The Moor Markets

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