BUS SOS: "We are left stranded" says Totley passenger

Sudir NarraidooSudir Narraidoo
Sudir Narraidoo
A Totley passenger claims the area has the worst bus service in the city - amid complaints about services the length and breadth of Sheffield.

Sudir Narraidoo was one of several people lobbying councillors about poor, unreliable and cancelled bus services in Totley, Walkley, Gleadless and High Green.

He handed in a petition with 53 names to full council and said: “I have lived in Totley for two years and in that time I have experienced very poor bus services between Totley and the city centre.

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“Due to a lot of frustration about the service, I have raised a petition and all the signatories agree that the bus service is really poor. I have lived all over Sheffield on different bus routes and this 97/98 service is the worst.

“This service is suffering at the hands of First. Totley has a high elderly population and more and more rely on buses to get about and they are experiencing a lot of frustration. The buses don’t turn up or are late and passengers are being left stranded at bus stops.

“Something needs to be done and I urge you to confront First buses. It’s a vicious circle because First buses reduce the service so more people use their cars then there’s less demand and it’s a downward spiral. The transport system is not fit for purpose.”

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