Police re-appeal for help in tracing robber who knocked Rotherham OAP to the ground

Police in bid to find Rotherham robberPolice in bid to find Rotherham robber
Police in bid to find Rotherham robber
Detectives investigating a street robbery in Rotherham have issued another appeal for help in tracing the offender.

Joan Richardson, aged 80, from Thurcroft, was walking with a stick when she was pushed over earlier this week.

She told police the robber asked her for a cigarette before he struck in the village where she has lived all her life.

He left the area in a silver-grey Peugeot 206.

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A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "PC Nathan Winder from the Rotherham South Local Policing Team has been dealing with Mrs Richardson from Thurcroft, who was knocked to the ground and had her handbag stolen earlier this week.

"If anyone has any knowledge of who has committed this terrible crime then please ring us.

"Let's try and find out who did this to Mrs Richardson."

The robber was white, slim, 5ft 7ins tall and spoke with a local accent.

He was wearing a black hooded top and white T-shirt.

Anyone with information should call South Yorkshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.