Pick up your rubbish, frustrated Parson Cross resident urges

Parson Cross resident Rich Holmes is urging Sheffielders to take more responsibility for their garbageParson Cross resident Rich Holmes is urging Sheffielders to take more responsibility for their garbage
Parson Cross resident Rich Holmes is urging Sheffielders to take more responsibility for their garbage
A Sheffield resident, who claims his suburb of the city is covered in litter is urging everyone to be more responsible for their rubbish

Rich Holmes, of Adlington Road, Parson Cross, said the problem has slowly increased in the time he's lived in the city, and now it's ‘the worst he has ever seen it’.

Beer and soft drink bottles and food wrappers litter the streets, and bags and tyres are thrown into nearby bushes,” the 37-year-old said.

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"When people have no room in their bins, they must just chuck the bags around the corner.

"You get seagulls picking about it and stuff. You only see that on a landfill site.

"I've lived in Sheffield all my life, and it's the worst I've seen it."

Mr Holmes' partner Linda has lived in various places in the UK and she rates the city as among the worst.

"And she's lived in London," he said.

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"For her to say that, it rang the alarm bells a little bit."

He said the solution was simple: “Put your rubbish in the bin instead of dropping it on the floor.

"It's got to be public awareness," he said, when asked for ways to fix the problem.

"If you can walk somewhere with your cup and carry it in your hand, you can carry it home or to a bin."

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Last week The Federation of Small Businesses said litter and graffitti were blighting Sheffield and putting investors off.

The Star is backing their campaign to clean up the city with its Pride in Sheffield drive.

Have you seen fly-tipping or litter in you area? if so email our reporter [email protected] with the details.

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