Will we learn the lessons of the past or continue to argue?

The NHS is under pressureThe NHS is under pressure
The NHS is under pressure
We stand on the doorstep of a new year. Often we speak of new beginnings.

I think it is more the case of the next step or the next phase. My life, like all people has changed direction many times.

The various phases of life before are a part of that which makes me the person I am. The lessons prepare me for the next phase. The mistakes serve to strengthen me for the challenges that lie before me.

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Entering into this year, like many others, I was excited and proclaiming the mantra, 2020 vision. None of us could have imagined the year that lay in wait. My hope is that we learn the lessons of the year past. This year does not bring a new beginning! It begins as it leaves the last one, in the grip of this dreadful pandemic. Last year we argued over the realities of the virus, the need for restrictions and went in and out of lockdown.

Will we begin the year in the same way, well yes, it is inevitable. But will we continue? Will we learn?

Will we grow and advance? Or will we continue to argue who is right, who knows best, what is more important and continue to rush in and out of lockdown as our NHS cries out for mercy as it steps over the threshold of breaking point?

We have just come from Christmas, the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. The people then ignored this Saviour. As hard as they tried, and they did, they never found fault in him nor his teaching. So, they then followed the only path they had left. They ignored him and his followers. Then they turned to mockery. Finally they simply lied and schemed, even with their enemies to kill him.

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We can run around in circles trying to avoid, ignore and silence the teaching of the one who made us. If we were to stop a minute and listen what do you think would be heard?

Only love! The same voice that cried out forgiveness from the cross for those who tortured and killed him. The same voice saying I love you. Not with a political agenda. Not with the desire to gain anything. I love you with a selfless love, let me lead you from the darkness of the past and into the light of a new way! That is the only new beginning. Begin a new life with God. Learn the lessons of the past and enter into a life with Jesus who leads you into a life we simply cannot shape.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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