'We are on the threshold of a tremendous opportunity'

The Reverend Peter McCoolThe Reverend Peter McCool
The Reverend Peter McCool
The news is in, the excitement builds as we count down the few days remaining. So many places reopening. What will you do first, where will you go? Will we remember our desire to change?

I am reminded of two old stories, one, perhaps unorthodox, but perhaps appropriate.

It certainly tells of nature and instinct, the difference between control and unbridled desire, and, the results.

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It is the story of two bulls looking at a field full of cows.

The son excitedly says: “Let’s run down there and have a good time with one of them.”

The wise old father replies: “Let’s walk and have a good time with them all.”

What will we do? Rush off, unhinged by excited passion and desire, or, take heed, proceed with caution and enjoy our journey into a new and safe and brighter future?

The other is the tale of a new pastor starting in church.

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Week one passes and many thank him for his wonderful message. Week two, he delivers the same message with different illustrations, they are unsure if it was the same message. Week three, the same.

Now certain, one of the leaders says to him: “That’s the same message you have given for the past three weeks.”

“I know,” he replies, “and when the folks put it into practice, I will give them another.”

In the Bible, Paul gives us a lot of wise teaching, He is held up and celebrated by the church, described as the man who has had the greatest influence on the Christian church.

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Yet, he describes himself as incapable, and, indeed, the worst of all sinners.

He was brutally honest about himself and his desires, passions, and need to change.

Thousands of years on, this mans legacy continues. We are undoubtedly on the threshold of a tremendous opportunity. It is time to be honest with ourselves, about ourselves.

What do we want, really? How will we be remembered in years to come. Will we be held up as people who made a difference? Or, will history soon write us off as a generation who squandered the chance to make a real difference to our world and our fellow man?

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This is our time folks, and I know we can do it. Let’s make a difference. As has been said, it took great leaps to go into lockdown, but small steps must bring us out.

The Reverend Peter McCool is pastor of South Sheffield Church, Greenhill Parkway, Lower Bradway – see southsheffieldchurch.co.uk