Five Top Tips: Eating meals together as family should be part of our daily lives

Swap White for BrownSwap White for Brown
Swap White for Brown
In line with our ethos of wanting to make good food the easy choice for everyone and to encourage the whole city to ‘Eat Smart’, here are this week’s five top tips for a healthier you, a healthier family, a healthier planet and even a healthier bank balance!

1. Swap White for Brown

Wholemeal foods are high in fibre which can significantly improve your digestive health, and reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. By making some simple swaps, you can ensure you get more wholemeal in your diet. Swap white bread for wholemeal, white pasta for wholewheat, and white rice for brown.

2. Use Your Freezer

Frozen meat and fish are generally cheaper than their fresh counterparts. The same goes for frozen fruits and vegetables. They often come pre-chopped or pre-portioned too, which can save you time in the kitchen. Also, because you only use what you need and the rest goes back in the freezer, nothing is wasted which helps save the planet and your money!

3. Make the Most of Mealtimes

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Eating as a family is important and should be part of our daily lives. Get into a regular routine of sitting down together for meals away from distractions such as TV, toys and phones. You could do this at a table, picnic-style on the floor or wherever works for your family – just enjoy the time to stop, chat and eat together.

4. Eat veg – save money!

Not only does a vegetarian diet have a host of health benefits, it also saves a lot of money! A vegetarian can spend at least £500 less on food than a meat-eater does every year. By simply swapping meat dishes for a couple of meatless meals each week, you’ll start seeing the difference on your monthly expenses.

5. Stay Balanced

A healthy, well-balanced diet means eating food from a variety of food groups to get the energy and nutrients that your body needs. There’s no one type of food that can provide all the nutrients a human body needs – so it’s important to eat a wide range of foods.

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