New city educational facility is unveiled

Baroness Lawrence and VC Prof Chris HusbandsBaroness Lawrence and VC Prof Chris Husbands
Baroness Lawrence and VC Prof Chris Husbands
Sheffield Hallam University has officially opened its new £30m Sheffield Institute of Education facility.

The new building, which houses more than 150 academic staff and 5,000 students, is one of the largest providers of education training and research in the UK, and is part of a £100m investment to transform parts of Sheffield’s city centre.

Alongside the new Charles Street Building, the University has completed the Old Post Office refurbishment and is undertaking work at the Eric Mensforth and Sheaf buildings, which will provide world leading chemistry laboratories and a new atrium as part of an impressive new entrance.

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Baroness Doreen Lawrence, who is an Honorary Doctor of Laws at Sheffield Hallam University, officially opened the new facility, before attending its first conference, on Social Justice and Inclusion in Education. She was joined by an expert panel that included Labour MP for Sheffield Central Paul Blomfield, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham Sir Anthony Seldon and SHU education, childhood and inclusionProfessor Nick Hodge.

Baroness Lawrence, who established the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust which supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, helping them start careers in architecture, journalism and law, said: “I’m delighted to have joined so many people from across the education sector in the region to celebrate the opening of this outstanding new resource whilst also exploring an issue that is so close to my heart - ensuring we have a socially just and inclusive education system. I’m pleased to help the University mark a key milestone in an already impressive record on education provision and research.”