Man stabbed in gang attack in Sheffield

Firth Park Road, Firth ParkFirth Park Road, Firth Park
Firth Park Road, Firth Park
A man was stabbed in a gang attack in Sheffield, it has emerged today.

South Yorkshire Police said that a man was attacked by 'a large group' of other men on Firth Park Road, Firth Park, at 3pm last Wednesday.

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POLICE: CSI vans at crime scene after shooting in SheffieldA South Yorkshire Police spokesman said he was knocked to the ground and lost consciousness after he was stabbed in his hand.

He added: "A large group of males attacked a lone male victim on Firth Park Road.

"On being taken to the ground, they see one of the group has a knife, the victim raised his hands to protect himself and receives a wound, and he then lost consciousness.

"The wound to his hand required hospital treatment."