Genuine cases

A beggar on The MoorA beggar on The Moor
A beggar on The Moor
I've read your front page story today. But it's hard to know what to make of it unless you can say what proportion of beggars are fakes.

One in 50 or most of them?

Please do a follow-up.

I wouldn’t like to see genuine cases maligned.

Graham Estop

Sharrow Lane, S11

Loxley church

Loxley church and burial ground, the saga continues. As the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness takes over so does the mist thicken over the above.

I gather that some individual graves are being tidied up, no doubt this will include Commonwealth graves as in the past, of planning applications and discussions nary a word.

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Recently I briefly considered adding a relative’s details to a family memorial in Wisewood cemetery. Bearing in mind the projected cost charged by Sheffield City Council, £80 for the detail and £140 for a stainless steel anchor to be drilled through a memorial considerably less than four ft high and 31 years old for H&S reasons, a quick mental risk assessment made me decline on principle.

The question is have any risk assessments been carried out on the older and larger memorials in Loxley burial ground?

Of more concern is the apparent lack of concern raised publicly by such bodies as the Hillsborough and District Buildings Preservation Trust/the Loxley Valley Protection Society?

As for councillors at parish council and ward level and the newly elected MP Jared O’Mara, even if they have little power to effect a satisfactory solution, surely they should be pressing the issue publicly and with council officers and concerned parties?

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An individual with a background involving a national conservation group has expressed bewilderment at the Loxley church situation and apparent local apathy. One gets the impression that it’s hoped the problem will go away. It won’t, winter is approaching and the church structure will deteriorate as time goes by.

Loxley church is a matter of concern not only in the Loxley or Sheffield area. It illustrates problems with the legislation regarding our dwindling threatened historic buildings.

Some issues are more important than the maintenance of the parish pump.

Ron Clayton


Jihadis’ houses

Council houses and jobs for Jihadis returning from Syria.

Brings a new meaning to the saying, homes fit for heroes. So near to Remembrance day.

T Walker


Thursday Club volunteers

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Further to your article on the Thursday Club on October 25, I feel I must point out that the reporter failed to mention the importance of the invaluable contribution made by our hard-working volunteers, both past and present, without whom the group could not have functioned for so long.

PS I was on holiday when the reporter came so could not put her straight.

Dorothy Wood

Volunteer since October 12, 1989

What a cruel idea

Susan, your letter about pigeons points out everything we come across on a daily basis on our travels in Sheffield.

Mattresses dumped, quilts, food containers, cardboard boxes, even blankets with things in.

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I have pigeons, by the way, and to think of people suggesting nesting boxes for birds of prey, what a cruel idea.

Any birds of prey landing in our garden are sent off fast.

Brenda Wilkinson

Lodge Moor, S10

Real jobs for bankers

So, massive redundancies are forecast to occur in the London banking sector as a result of Brexit.

Good, I say.

These overpaid parasitic bankers will now be available to fill the socially useful albeit low-paid agricultural jobs shortly to be vacated by Brexiting Eastern Europeans.

John Eoin Douglas

by email

Bright light

Why is it that whenever I get a sneeze that just won’t happen all I have to do is look at the sun, weather permitting, or a bright light and the sneeze erupts?

The Green Giant

by email

I urge you to join us

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Trustees’ Week starts on November 13, and what better time to celebrate the vital contribution of these fantastic volunteers.

Across the UK, there are over one million Trustees and in Sheffield and the surrounding area there are over 100 trustees working on behalf of Scouting.

Each one has a special responsibility to provide the stability and good governance every charity needs in order to flourish.

As Chair of The Scout Association’s Board of Trustees, I ask myself, what difference do I make as a Trustee?

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For me, it comes down to five things: stewardship, scrutiny, strategy, support, and skills.

It’s about ensuring the right procedures and policies are in place to create a safe and secure environment.

It’s our role to ensure there is a clear plan for the future and that there is the right level of challenge and accountability.

So this Trustees’ Week, I would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have already stepped up to the plate and are putting something back into their communities.

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I would also like to encourage more young people to come forward and serve as Trustees, your energy and ideas are invaluable if we want to continue to help the next generation develop the skills to succeed in life.

Charity boards benefit most when there is a range of ages and backgrounds and they are at their strongest when there is a healthy mix of experiences and perspectives.

I urge you to join us.

Ann Limb

Chair – The Scout Association

Twenty’s plenty

I am writing in response to Mike Wilson’s letter on 20mph zones, November 1.

I live on Etwall Way, Sheffield Lane Top, which is a 20mph zone and a No Entry at Hatfield House Lane.

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However, drivers who get fed up waiting at the traffic lights at Sheffield Lane Top are cutting down Etwall Way at high speed to dodge the lights and narrowly miss the traffic speeding up Etwall Way, again to dodge the Lane Top lights.

I’ve contacted councillors and police to no avail.

It will no doubt take a accident or worse before they get the message.

Annie Parkin Mbe

Sheffield Lane Top