Former Sheffield GP left 'isolated' after internet, TV and phone wires are cut

Birkendale, Upperthorpe. Picture: GoogleBirkendale, Upperthorpe. Picture: Google
Birkendale, Upperthorpe. Picture: Google
An angry former doctor has told how she was left 'isolated' after clumsy road workers twice cut electrical wires serving her home leaving her without internet, TV or a phone line.

The 80-year-old woman, who did not want to be named, told how staff from Sheffield Council-contracted firm Amey caused her a week's worth of issues while resurfacing her street at Birkendale, Upperthorpe.

She told how they accidentally cut through wires on January 9 and again two days dater on January 11, knocking off her internet, TV and phone reception.

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Workers from Virgin fixed the first problem within a matter of hours, but she had to go the whole night with no connection the second time.

She also told how workmen 'severely cut back' her garden hedge and she felt the need to stay in her home to 'keep an eye on them' for five days, which meant she missed out on a number of appointments.

The former Crookes Practice GP said: "It caused me a lot of problems. I am 80-years-old and while I am reasonably fit and healthy, I was left for a night without any real form of communication. I have an old mobile but it always goes off.

"If something happened to me I would have struggled to contact anyone for help."

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She added: "They have also really cut back my hedge and coupled with the phone line problems I thought I had best stay in my house for the five days to keep an eye on them while they did the work. I missed an art class, a bridge playing group and a meeting with friends. It left me pretty isolated and was a great inconvenience."

The woman added another neighbour also had their wires cut and a sign was put up saying the work would take four days to complete, but nine days later road workers were still on site.

Amey and Sheffield Council have been contacted for comment and we are awaiting a reply.