Demand for safer roads in north Sheffield

High Green residents are calling for safer roadsHigh Green residents are calling for safer roads
High Green residents are calling for safer roads
More than 1,000 people are calling for safer roads in a Sheffield neighbourhood.

High Green campaigner David Ogle presented the petition to Sheffield Council and said both young people and retired residents needed a proper pedestrian crossing.

He said: “This petition represents 10 percent of the community of High Green. We have primary schools and a comprehensive school and almost every parent I spoke to could tell me of a near miss they or their friends had had. Stop ignoring HIgh Green.”

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The council says it will look at the situation but can’t promise anything.

Coun Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “High Green is not forgotten or left out and local councillors are doing everything they can to get road safety measures.

“Because of budget cuts we can’t make a promise but we do accept this is something we need to look at properly. This is an undertaking to make sure we work with local residents to get this right.”

The Lib Dems say they would have a special pot of money just for road safety schemes around schools.

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Coun Adam Hanrahan, Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “We want young people to have a safe route to school, not only just outside a school, but further along their walk.

“We encourage school children across the city to walk to school so it’s incumbent upon us to ensure that those children can get to school safely.

“We would invest £700,000 into creating a road safety pot which could be used for this purpose.”