Cat died after attack during Doncaster robbery

Cat killed by robbers after raid in DoncasterCat killed by robbers after raid in Doncaster
Cat killed by robbers after raid in Doncaster
A cat has died after being kicked by robbers during a raid in Doncaster.

South Yorkshire Police said the cat was attacked as four men broke into a flat in St Nicholas Road, Thorne, and stole cash.

They also assaulted a woman, who escaped with minor injuries.

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Detective Constable Nina Frost said: “This was a nasty attack and I am thankful that the woman in the property was not seriously injured.

“I would like to appeal to anyone who knows who could be responsible to come forward and contact police.

“If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area or have any information please call 101."

All four men involved in the raid were white.

One was wearing a dark jacket and dark jeans with a stripe down the side.

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A second man, believed to be in his mid-30s and of a large build with stubble and dark brown hair, was wearing a black jacket.

Another of the offenders was in his early 40s, about 5ft 7ins tall with dark hair and stubble. He is believed to have been wearing tracksuit bottoms.

Anyone with information about the incident at 10.20pm on Sunday, May 1 should call South Yorkshire Police on 101.