Cash windfall for community groups

De Hood in Sheffield.De Hood in Sheffield.
De Hood in Sheffield.
Organisations which tackle issues ranging from domestic violence to youth nuisance have been given a cash windfall to expand their services.

Four groups received funding worth a combined total of more than £15, 000 from the community grant scheme offered by Dr Alan Billings, police and crime commissioner for South Yorkshire.

Darnall Forum was awarded £4, 173 to continue its work to help Asian women who have been subjected to domestic violence in the Tinsley and Darnall areas. De Hood has helped to reduce anti-social behaviour in the Manor area after setting up boxing sessions for young people. The group received £5, 000 to develop five-a-side football and dance sessions.

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After concerns in Worsbrough, Barnsley, about young people congregating in the park, Worsbrough Bridge Cricket Club have taken the proactive approach of contacting those involved and asking them to join in with indoor net sessions. With funding of £1, 330 it is estimated that up to 20 young people aged between 15 and 22 will be invited by the cricket club to come along and get involved in the sessions.

Finally, The Youth Association in Balby, Doncaster, have secured £4, 834 to create activities for youngsters to do in the evening to keep them off of street corners.

The group applied for the money after a number of young people told them they are ‘bored’ in the evenings and there is ‘nothing to do’ so they often end up getting involved in mischief. A group spokesperson said these activity sessions aim to ‘improve their skills and broaden experiences’.