Cars blocked fire engine down Sheffield street '“ and this is what firefighters could do

Cars blocking Sheffield streetCars blocking Sheffield street
Cars blocking Sheffield street
Firefighters in Sheffield were once again left frustrated by parked cars blocking the streets yesterday.Â

Firefighters at Rivelin station uploaded pictures of the poorly parked cars to Facebook and moaned it was '˜giving them a real headache'.

A spokesperson said: 'When parking your vehicle, please think about the space needed for 999 vehicles to get through.

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Cars blocking Sheffield streetCars blocking Sheffield street
Cars blocking Sheffield street

'In extreme cases, bad or inconsiderate parking could slow us down getting to incidents, potentially putting lives at risk.'

In June this year, a number of fire engines got stuck on an Upperthorpe street as a result of '˜double parked cars'. 

Last year, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue pleaded with drivers not to block narrow streets by parking on both sides of the road.

This was after a fire engine was left unable to reach an emergency.

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Motorists who continue to park inconsiderately could face more than just a fine for blocking fire engines. 

You could actually come back to find your vehicle damaged, according to Get Surrey. 

A group of firefighters revealed that they will '˜bounce' a car out of the way if it is blocking their route. 

John Matthew, watch commander at Dorking fire station, told Get Surrey: "If we have to squeeze through, we will force our way through.

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"We tend to only do it if we've got our most important response call, when there's people involved.

"There has been damage where priority was high, but normally we go out of our way to not cause damage."

Firefighters could press down on a car's frame to bounce it up and down until they can move it out the way. 

This can do serious damage to the vehicle's suspension. 

A Surrey Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: 'Sometimes, if there is no other alternative, our firefighters may have to move parked vehicles in order to get through tight spaces in emergencies, however we make every effort to avoid causing damage and if we know of areas where this is a problem then we deliver leaflets to make people aware of the issue.'