Boxing: 5 reasons why Sam Sheedy can beat Tommy Langford

Tommy Langford and Sam Sheedy.Tommy Langford and Sam Sheedy.
Tommy Langford and Sam Sheedy.
Trainer Glyn Rhodes is confident his fighter Sam Sheedy can become British middleweight champion on November 26.

The Sheffield Boxing Centre coach believes his man has enough skills at his disposal to overcome Tommy Langford, and land himself a title won by the likes of Herol Graham, Brian Anderson and Alan Minter.

It is a massive task.

Langford has a (W17 L0 6 KOs) record and is supremely confident he can take the vacant Lonsdale belt.

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Today Rhodes spells out five reasons why the South Yorkshireman (W17 L1)can land the biggest prize of his career:

“ONE: Style: Sam’s style is completely unorthodox; it is nothing like Tommy will have seen before.

He is a slippery southpaw. Although Sam has not got a big KO record he is banging really hard. If you look at his last fight with Andrew Robinson, he took some hard shots it is only the fact that he was so tough that he didn’t get knocked out. His style is going to cause Tommy a lot of problems.

Tommy Langford and Sam Sheedy.Tommy Langford and Sam Sheedy.
Tommy Langford and Sam Sheedy.

TWO: Maturity: He is in his prime as a 28 year old. When Sam was like 21-22 he didn’t have “man’s strength” now he has matured into a full blownmiddleweight. He is mentally strong as well. He had a slow-burner career, a problem with his hip, he couldn’t run, he couldn’t train. But its all coming together now.

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THREE: Fitness: A big factor in the fight. For Sam’s last fight, for 10 rounds, Andrew Robinson chased him round the ring, it was quite a hard fight, and he managed to do the rounds under pressure. I don’t think Tommy Langford is the type of fighter who is going to be able to put the amount of pressure on Sam that Robinson did.

FOUR Previous opponents: Look at the quality of opposition. Sam has had some great opponents. If you watch Tommy’s fight against Lewis Taylor (March) it was a very equal fight. I think Lewis lost his way before the end of the fight. That’s the only reason why he lost it.

Sam has beaten better quality opponents than Tommy has. Robinson is in the “who needs him gang,” as tough as old boots. So the Robinson fight is what you need to set you up for a British title fight.

FIVE: Sheedy’s single defeat: There are not many people who would say Sam deserved to lose against Nav Mansouri (July, last year.) One of the things I am proud of Sam is even though he lost it he came out with a lot of credit in defeat.

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The way he handled himself after such a defeat against a very good kid, very similar in style to Tommy Langford and the general opinion of boxing people is that Sam won that fight. ‘Beating’ someone like Nav who has a very similar style than can only help Sam. He handled Nav quite easily so I am sure he is going to handle Tommy quite easily as well.”

Meanwhile, Sheedy’s former gym-mate Serge Ambomo is having a difficult time in the ring after returning from suspension. The Rotherham-based Cameroonian welterweight was outpointed by Stephen Danyo at Manchester last weekend, his second consecutive defeat.