Top ten garden trends for 2023

Green-fingered Brits are being given an expert insight into the upcoming garden trends for  2023.Green-fingered Brits are being given an expert insight into the upcoming garden trends for  2023.
Green-fingered Brits are being given an expert insight into the upcoming garden trends for 2023.

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From the latest outdoor design trends and plant selections to the most popular garden colours, this list includes the key themes we’ll be seeing in gardens this year.

Bright colours, wild and earthy gardens and growing your own food are some of the trends predicted to bloom in 2023.

Chris Bonnett, the founder of Gardening Express said: “This year we expect gardeners to focus on turning their gardens into cheery and bright havens where they can relax and embrace the nature and wildlife.

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People are becoming more aware of sustainable practices in gardening, whether that’s using recycled and environmentally friendly materials or growing their own produce.

“The extreme weather conditions in 2022, like droughts, hosepipe bans and cold snaps, have also made people think more about making their gardens weather resilient.

“Small space gardening is also set to be popular this year meaning that even those who live in apartments or have smaller outdoor spaces can get involved.”

Here are the top ten 2023 garden trends from the team at Gardening Express:

Cheery and bright outdoor spaces

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To make the outdoor area cheery and bright, gardeners are encouraged to add some colour to their gardens. Try picking colourful plants and flowers and think about painting used furniture to provide a splash of colour, or choose eye-catching designs for outdoor rugs, pillows, and blankets.

Colour of the year: Viva Magenta

Pantone’s colour of the year is the bold Viva Magenta which will certainly be used in garden designs this year. It’s a natural shade from the red family and it’s perfect for making a statement. This year it’s expected to be seen on plant pots, outdoor accessories and flower beds.

Garden of Eden

People can create their own Garden of Eden by letting their gardens grow wild and earthy. This gardening style includes a lot of plants that can be eaten by wildlife, making it very attractive. Plant some fruits, vegetables and herbs around your garden without placing them all in a single designated location. For example, plant them between some colourful shrubs and flowers.

Grow your own

In the light of the current cost-of-living crisis, gardeners are putting more emphasis on homegrown produce to save some money on their food shop bills. Besides the popular tomatoes, lettuce and potatoes, we also recommend growing strawberries, raspberries, fruit pillar trees and herbs as they’re low-maintenance and don’t require much space, which means they’re also suitable for flats and small gardens.

Climate resilient gardens

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2022 was a challenging year for the plants due to harsh weather conditions, like extreme heat, droughts, hosepipe bans and frosts. This is why many gardeners are looking into more resilient garden designs this year. Gravel gardens, xeriscaping and weather resilient plants are expected to be featured in many gardens this year.

Outdoor living rooms

To create the perfect relaxing area in your garden, consider bringing your living room outside by incorporating outdoor furniture and accessories that complement your interior design. The main things to look for are opulent sofa sets, rugs, cushions, and throws.


Upcycling, sustainable materials and composting are the hot topics in 2023. We can expect to see a lot of people opting for environmentally friendly materials this year, such as rattan, bamboo, cane and linen. The best metal to use in gardens is aluminium as it can be recycled.

Vertical gardens

Vertical gardening is a space-efficient gardening style which is perfect for green thumbs who live in flats or have small gardens. People can use upright structures like walls, fences and balconies as spaces for gardening by adding shelving, hanging baskets, trellises and living walls to them.