Sheffield doctor who had a stroke calls for more research to help rebuild survivors’ lives

Professor Ade Adebajo.Professor Ade Adebajo.
Professor Ade Adebajo.
A Sheffield doctor has called for more research into how to prevent strokes after his experience left him facing a long battle to recover.

Professor Ade Adebajo, who lives in Whirlow, had a stroke at Barnsley Hospital, where he is a consultant rheumatologist and Clinical Director for Research and Development, in 2015.

It took a year of intensive rehab before he was able to return to work.

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He has called for much more research into how to prevent strokes and how to ensure that stroke survivors have the best rehab to help with their recovery.

Professor Ade Adebajo, now aged 63, said: “I drove to work at Barnsley Hospital that morning, parked my car and went to my office. I was in a meeting and suddenly started having weakness on my left side, my left leg, feeling funny on the left side of my face, and then I slumped into the chair.

“The FAST campaign helped me diagnose my own stroke.

“Fortunately for me, my office was just above accident and emergency. I was given an immediate MRI scan then taken to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield for emergency neurosurgery.

“It took me 11 months to return to work. It was a very long road. I still have weakness in my left side, my arm and my leg and now walk with a stick. I have a wheelchair but I’m using that less and less. With rehab at least I’m fortunate.

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“I’ve been able to go back to work because I had a good amount of rehab but others haven’t been so lucky. Many other people have had to stop work. They should be able to return to work if they wish.

“Without all this I wouldn’t be back at work. It’s as stark as that. I love being a doctor looking after people. I’m glad that I myself was looked after so I could carry on doing this.”

A new Stroke Association report - the first UK-wide project to map research priorities across the entire stroke care and treatment pathway – reveals where research can address the issues holding stroke survivors back from rebuilding their lives after a devastating stroke.

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