Sheffield church minister donating her locks for charity – but will she go for a full ‘Kojak’ cut?

Rev Maud Robinson of Underbank Unitarian Chapel in Stannington is donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust.Rev Maud Robinson of Underbank Unitarian Chapel in Stannington is donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust.
Rev Maud Robinson of Underbank Unitarian Chapel in Stannington is donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust.
Brave Rev Maud Robinson of Underbank Unitarian Chapel in Stannington is having her luscious locks clipped to make wigs for children who have lost their hair for cancer.

And in a bid to raise even more money for the charity she says she is prepared to ‘Go full Kojak’ and have the lot shaved off.

Rev Robinson said: “Over successive lockdowns without hairdresser visits, my hair has grown longer than it's been for years.

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"The Princess Trust is looking for hair longer than seven inches at the moment, to make wigs for kids who have lost their hair to cancer.

Underbank Unitarian Chapel in StanningtonUnderbank Unitarian Chapel in Stannington
Underbank Unitarian Chapel in Stannington

"My ponytail is about 10 inches long at the moment, so I'm going to bite the bullet and chop it all off, and just hope it grows back fast.”

It costs about £550 (and hair from about 10 people) to make a wig and Maud’s fundraising total so far is just shy of £400.She said: “I need some more donations to make my bad-hair-days-to-come worthwhile.

“If I reach the £550 target - I'll go for a buzz cut.

“If I hit £1,000 - I'll go the full Kojak.”

Rev Robinson says her preferred style these days is a bob, though mostly she wears it tied back to keep it out of the way.

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She added: “I'm definitely not a big fan of very short hair on me; my hair is so bouncy that, unless I get regular cuts and use "product" in it, it makes me look like a mushroom when it's short. Last time I had my hair cut short was in the 1990s when I lived in Japan. I think the pic in the gallery was taken shortly after my return in 1997.

“I'm going to bite the bullet and chop it all off, and just hope it grows back fast.

“So if you have a couple of quid to spare, help me make my bad-hair-days-to-come worthwhile.”

Rev Robinson has already made an appointment at the hairdressers on June 16.

If you can help Rev Robinson reach her target and make the big bald decision, visit her Justgiving page here

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